
CLion 2020.2 Release Candidate

The public release of CLion 2020.2 is just around the corner, but in the meantime please welcome CLion 2020.2 Release Candidate!

To install CLion 2020.2 RC (build 202.6397.78), download it from the website, update from our Toolbox App, or use a snap package (for Ubuntu). Please note you need to have an active subscription or start a 30-day evaluation period to use CLion 2020.2 RC. No patches are provided for this release candidate, but you can expect a patch to update the latest 2020.1 build to the 2020.2 release version.

CLion 2020.2 release


Code analysis for C++20: constrain a function’s result

We’ve added a new inspection for code that uses Concepts. It suggests constraining local variables declared as auto if the result of a constrained function call is assigned to them:

Concept call constraint

Note that this inspection is disabled by default on Windows and is not supported for concepts declared with the requires clause syntax.

C++20 keywords completion

This build brings code highlighting and completion for C++20 keywords:

  • char8_t
  • consteval and constinit
  • co_await, co_return, and co_yield

Completion for C++20 keywords

Other improvements

This RC build fixes:

  • A few code highlighting issues (CPP-18110, CPP-17125, CPP-19443).
  • An issue with using Tab during code completion which was causing the opening brace to be removed (CPP-21047).
  • Fixes to the reworked UI of CMake Profiles (CPP-20983).

Additionally, this build bundles GDB v9.2.

Check out the full release notes.

We are now polishing the final build, so if you encounter any problems at all, please report them to our issue tracker. This way, we can sort out the pressing issues before the final release (though, depending on priority, the actual fixes might be postponed until the 2020.2.x bug-fix updates).


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