News Releases

CLion 2020.2.2 Bug-fix Update

CLion 2020.2.2 (build 202.7319.62) is now available! You can download it from our website, via Toolbox App, or as a snap (for Ubuntu). A patch update will be available shortly.


Here are the main highlights:

  • Fixed authentication when invoking remote operations in GitHub (IDEA-248658).
  • Some extra compiler names like clang-11 are now supported in the compilation database (CPP-20753).
  • Fixed the crash that was happening in the debugger on the Windows for Visual C++ toolchain, for example on doctest code. This means that debugging doctest executables is now possible (CPP-21008).
  • Improved Extract refactoring to now make the extracted function static in a static context (CPP-3204), and it no longer incorrectly adds the const specifier to the extracted function (CPP-9252).
  • Improved the accuracy of several code analysis checks.

Additionally, LightEdit mode is now enabled by default only for .conf, .ini, .json, .log, .md, .sh, .txt, .xml, and .yml files (with the exception of compile_commands.json and CMakeLists.txt files). Feel free to customize the settings in Editor | File Types. LightEdit mode is useful for when you just want to quickly edit a file without creating or loading the whole project in CLion.

Full release notes.

Check out our roadmap to learn what’s coming in v2020.3 and stay tuned for news about the EAP, which will be starting soon!


Your CLion team
The Drive to Develop

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