News Releases

CLion 2021.2.4 Bug-fix Update

Since rolling out CLion 2021.3 a couple of weeks ago, we’ve been working on some critical bug-fixes in CLion 2021.2. Today we are releasing a bug-fix update for it, CLion 2021.2.4.

To download this version, visit our website, update your version using the ToolBox App or from inside the IDE via a patch, or use snaps if you are an Ubuntu user.

The main highlights:

  • Fixed the Main menu so it now loads instantly (IDEA-277709).
  • Fixed the low resolution of the icons in the main menu (IDEA-283733).
  • Fixed the File mask drop-down list so it now properly displays the available masks (IDEA-236785).
  • Fixed the results tabs so that only the intended ones respond when you close them (IDEA-274154).
  • Fixed the IDE’s behavior when switching between Git branches – unexpected empty windows no longer appear (IDEA-277226).
  • Fixed a regression when opening a CMake project without an .idea folder in it (CPP-26927).

The full release notes are available here.

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