Early Access Program News

CLion 2024.2 EAP 4: Improvements for Remote Toolchain, a Fix for Settings Persistence in Nova, and Enhanced GDB Pretty Printers

The CLion 2024.2 EAP 4 build (242.19533.43) is now out! It’s available from our website, via the Toolbox App, or as a snap package if you’re using Ubuntu.



  • We significantly improved the reloading of CMake projects with multiple files when using a remote toolchain (CPP-14984).
  • Custom TODO settings now persist after IDE restart when the new language engine (CLion Nova) is enabled (CPP-36266).
  • The issue that prevented debugging on Windows using WSL with GDB Multiarch has been fixed (CPP-30085).
  • Several issues with GDB pretty printers were resolved to ensure complex data types are shown in a more readable and convenient manner.
    • std::array now shows values in the debugger (CPP-33213).
    • The std::valarray pretty printer doesn’t show as raw data anymore (CPP-19123).
    • Unordered set values are no longer rendered in the GDB variable view (CPP-20943).
    • The size of list/forward_list containers now show (CPP-37831).

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