Minor updates News

DataGrip 2020.1.5

Introducing DataGrip 2020.1.5! Check out what’s new inside!

Most important

The issue with SQL Server Authentication on Windows is fixed.

Other fixes

DBE-9876: Forced execution in read-only mode now runs the correct query.
DBE-10727: Schemas comparator respects column order.
DBE-10715: [PostgreSQL]: DataGrip no longer throws a time zone error for versions of PostgreSQL before 10.
DBE-10724: [Snowflake]: The Modify Table dialog generates valid code.

New features

A new quick-fix is available: Refresh schema. If your colleague adds a new object after you have already refreshed your database, this fix will make sure your query is properly highlighted.

Screenshot 2020-06-25 at 15.35.21

We have also renamed the migration buttons in the schema comparator to make it clearer what they actually do.

Screenshot 2020-06-25 at 15.35.26

If you create a DDL data source, the folder with the sources will automatically be attached to the project.

Screenshot 2020-06-25 at 15.35.29

If you try to change the DDL of the target table during the data import process, DataGrip will double-check this with you with an alert box to confirm that you want to perform this action.

Screenshot 2020-06-25 at 15.35.35

If an Oracle database wants you to change an expired password, you can do so from the DataGrip UI. This works for versions from Oracle 12.2 if you use the standard JDBC driver. If you use the OCI driver, it works for the older versions as well.

Screenshot 2020-06-25 at 15.35.39

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