News Releases

DataGrip 2024.1: Database schema awareness for AI Assistant, simplified sessions, record view, local filtering in the data editor, and more!

DataGrip 2024.1 is out!

Here’s a glimpse of what awaits you in this new version. For a full overview of this update, please visit our What’s New page.

AI Assistant

  • AI Assistant now allows you to improve the quality of generated SQL queries by adding a database schema for context to the AI chat. You can now generate queries from natural language requests and get insights about your schemas.

Working with data 

  • Local filtering in the data editor allows you to filter rows by the values in the columns.
  • A single record view is now available.
  • We’ve introduced the ability to move columns in CSV files.
  • Working with UUIDs is now easier.

Simplification of sessions

Users will no longer need to manually choose which session to run queries in, and this is now the case for all types of queries. Sessions are still there under the hood, but you won’t need to worry about them.

Working with code

  • Column completion for GROUP BY clauses.
  • Warning for WHERE TRUE clauses.
  • Custom symbols to accept suggestions.
  • Sticky lines in the editor.
  • Aligned code style for multi-row INSERTS.

If you’re interested in making the move to version 2024.1 or sending us any questions or suggestions you might have, here are a few links that you might find useful:

The DataGrip team

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