DataGrip 2023.1 EAP 3
DataGrip 2023.1 EAP 3 is out! Here are the new fixes in this version:
[Oracle]: We’ve implemented several improvements to speed up the introspection on Level 1. Here are a few tips to speed up your work, especially if you’re working with a large number of schemas and many database objects:
- Switch the introspection level to Level 1, where DataGrip introspects only the names and types of objects.
- On introspection Level 1, you can click Refresh selected object to edit a specific object or view its sources.

- Check if you have the SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE and the SELECT ANY DICTIONARY permissions, which grant you access to the Oracle internal catalog. This makes introspection much faster.
Code highlighting
- DBE-11727, DBE-11500 [BigQuery]: Alias resolution in UNNEST queries now works correctly.
- DBE-17291, DBE-17449 [ClickHouse]: EPHEMERAL columns, INTERSECT, and EXCEPT clauses are now supported.
Schema Diff
[Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Db2]: You can now use the Specify next value for sequences option to control the behavior of sequences that have a start value.
If the Specify next value for sequences option is not enabled, DataGrip generates the DDL of the sequence, adding the start value to the START WITH start_value.
When the Specify next value for sequences option is enabled, DataGrip adds the next value that the sequence should have to the DDL, with a few differences for the following databases:
- [Microsoft SQL Server]: Instead of the sequence start value, the next sequence value is specified in the RESTART WITH clause in the CREATE and ALTER statements.
- [PostgreSQL]: Instead of the sequence start value, the next sequence value is specified in the START WITH clause in the CREATE statement. The start value is specified in the START WITH clause, and the next value is in the RESTART WITH clause in the ALTER statement.
- [Db2]: Instead of the sequence start value, the next sequence value is specified in the START WITH clause in the CREATE statement. The next value is specified in the RESTART WITH clause in the ALTER statement (changing the start value is not allowed in Db2).
Query console
- DBE-17479: Failing queries with the Read access is allowed from inside read-action (or EDT) only notification in the Query console has been fixed with regression.
- DBE-12787, DBE-12109 [Oracle]: The CREATE PROCEDURE and CREATE FUNCTION now end with “;” – as expected.
- [MongoDB]: Loss of values in IN (…) if there are more than 10 has been fixed.
Code completion
- DBE-13506 [MongoDB]: The bug with broken SQL completion for nested properties has been fixed.
Data editor/viewer
- We fixed the image preview in the data grid.
- DBE-13329 [MongoDB]: We added the Change Default action to configure the default page size.