JetBrains Academy
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EduTools Plugin 2021.2.1 Is Available
Version 2021.2.1 of the EduTools plugin is out now! This update is packed with new features and improvements, including the ability to restart courses, auto-substitution of input for Run/Debug in Codeforces tasks for C++, updated default task description templates, and various bug fixes.
For learners
Restart courses from the Course Selection view
It’s good practice to repeat a course that you’ve already taken and polish up on your skills. With the new Remove Course action in the Course Selection view, you can now restart any of the courses you have in progress or have completed. Simply hover the mouse over it and click the X sign. The course will be cleared along with all your progress, so you can start it again from scratch.
Auto-substitution of input for Run/Debug in Codeforces tasks for С++
In EduTools 2021.1, we introduced auto-substitution of input for Run/Debug in Codeforces tasks for Kotlin, Java, Scala, and Python. With this update, we have expanded the support to C++. Now, each time you need to run or debug a С++ test case, you can right-click the required test and select Run or Debug.
For educators
Updates to the default task description templates
To keep the structure of courses consistent and simplify the process of course creation, the default task description templates have been updated to include an example of the in-course links, that were introduced in EduTools 2021.1, and headers.
Notable improvements and bug fixes
- The Course Selection view has gained various small cosmetic refinements and bug fixes.
- A bug causing the incorrect selection of Swing instead of JCEF as the task description rendering library was fixed.
- An issue with an update for courses created on Stepik was fixed.
For the full list of enhancements and bug fixes, please see our release notes.
You can install or update the plugin to the latest version of the EduTools plugin right from the Settings (Preferences for macOS) | Plugins in IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm, WebStorm, Android Studio, CLion, or GoLand.
IntelliJ IDEA Edu and PyCharm Edu 2020.3.3
We’ve released the 2020.3.3 versions of PyCharm Edu and IntelliJ IDEA Edu, which include the latest fixes for PyСharm and IntelliJ IDEA and the latest plugin updates in v2021.2.1. Download the builds from our website or use the Toolbox App. You can also use a snap package on Ubuntu.
Please share your feedback here in the comments, on Twitter, or through our issue tracker. We are looking forward to hearing your thoughts and ideas!
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