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A cross-platform Go IDE with extended support for JavaScript, TypeScript, and databases


GoLand 2018.3.2 is out!

Try it via Toolbox App, or update from any earlier 2018.3 with the use of Help | Check for Updates command, or just download a copy from our website.

Download GoLand 2018.3.2

Here’s a list of notable issues this update addresses:

GO-6474 — The debugger correctly displays variable names when their type is an interface.

GO-6523 — Code formatting formats the last parameters with three dots in variadic functions equal to go fmt rules.

GO-6488 — GoLand doesn’t show redundant Save files during the commit notifications when gofmt checkbox is enabled in the commit dialog.

GO-6596 — We’ve solved the problem with unresolved references to packages.

GO-6575 — The IDE correctly calculates array types when array length is specified via expressions like len(otherArray).

GO-6558 — The Move refactoring will preserve line feeds around refactored declarations.

Don’t forget that we always appreciate your feedback, so please share it with us here in comments, or Twitter, or our issue tracker. Thanks!

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