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A cross-platform Go IDE with extended support for JavaScript, TypeScript, and databases


GoLand 2019.2.1 is Out!

We have just released a new, fresher version of GoLand 2019.2 – the 2019.2.1 bug-fix update.

Try it via the Toolbox App, update from 2019.2 by clicking Help | Check for Updates, or just download a copy from our website.

Download GoLand 2019.2.1

This update addresses the following issues:

GO-6994, GO-7787 — GoLand now always optimizes imports after you apply the Move refactoring. The Refactoring Preview pane allows you to check if the generated file is going to be changed by optimizing or sorting, and to discard the change if anything goes wrong.

GO-7789 — A glitch affecting the Sync packages quick-fix has been fixed. Now it doesn’t highlight a dependency as an error after it’s downloaded in projects that use the Go Modules integration with the Vendoring mode enabled.

JBR-1624, JBR-1645 — Fixed the broken Fira Code fonts rendering.

GO-7593 — The Create field quick-fix doesn’t move lines with comments anymore.

GO-7741Code Completion inserts the correct type of brackets for structs.

GO-7752 — GoLand’s code formatter aligns type definitions in the right way.

GO-7808Code Completion is more precise.

GO-7852 — SQL injection works as expected.

GO-7824, GO-7871Change Signature doesn’t generate non-existing types, works well with replacing single result parameter, and adds default value in newly generated return.

GO-7888 — Now you can avoid alias removal during Optimize Imports formatting, by switching off the Redundant import alias inspection.

GO-7916 — GoLand detects auto-generated files without an extra \n at the end of the first comment line.

JBR-1429 — Fixed the fonts and icons scale.

JBR-1629 — The maximized window now can be cropped on the right and bottom.

JBR-1650 — It’s possible to set the title bar height on the native level.
JBR-1599 — Fixed the issue with the Ctrl+C shortcut in the integrated terminal on macOS.
JBR-1674 — Fix for IDE-managed HiDPI mode on Windows.

IDEA-218032 — The IDE’s own path is no longer added to PATH in the built-in terminal on Windows.

IDEA-208433 — Terminal environment variables can now be configured in every project.

That’s about all. Remember, we always appreciate your feedback! Please tell us what you think by dropping us a request in our bug tracker or by tweeting us @GoLandIDE. Thank you!

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