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Webinar Recording and Q&A Session: YouTrack+Upsource+TeamCity Come Together

Thanks everyone for joining us for the first Hub webinar on February 17, 2016!

For those who couldn’t attend or missed something, we are happy to share the YouTrack+Upsource+TeamCity Come Together webinar recording on JetBrains YouTube channel.

The list of topics and timing:
00:00 Hub Overview & Purpose: single sign-on, unified user & permission management.
02:45 Hub user management & permissions concept:users, groups, roles and permissions.
05:20 Single sign-on. Authentication modules.
06:03 Hub as a connection point for different services: products, project wizard, dashboard.
06:50 Hub Dashboard: single place for widgets from all services.
08:15 Project Wizard: creates a single project and connects all the services.
10:50 Connecting YouTrack, Upsource and TeamCity services to Hub.
12:30 Integration between Upsource & YouTrack in action.
16:00 Integrating YouTrack and VCS via TeamCity.
17:43 Integrating YouTrack and VCS via Upsource.
18:50 Integrating YouTrack directly with VCS:GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket.
19:35 YouTrack VCS integration is action.
27:20 Configuring source control parameters in Upsource and TeamCity.
28:38 Q&A session
35:20 Demo of code review process.
38:30 Q&A session.
54:10 Closing Slides with useful resources.

Question and Answers Session

We received tons of questions during the webinar and today we would like to share our chat history with you. We’ve chosen the most relevant questions and added more detailed answers.

Q: What is the state of integration of Hub/Upsource with YouTrack InCloud ?

A: We’ll get YouTrack InCloud + Upsource integration as soon as we connect Hub to YouTrack InCloud. We have this planned for this year. Unfortunately, cannot provide more accurate estimation. For integrating Upsource with YouTrack InCloud you can use basic integration:on the project settings page there’s a section called External Links. By specifying issue prefix and tracker URL you can turn issue references in commit messages and elsewhere to hyperlinks. The advanced integration is available for Stand-Alone YouTrack with Upsource.

Q: Assuming no change should be merged on the target branch without code review + passing build, would Hub help?

A: Unfortunately, Hub has nothing to do with this and Upsource doesn’t have any settings to check this. However, there are requests to add this functionality. We might consider it in future.

Q: Is Hub connectable to Active Directory?

A: Yes, Hub provides AD LDAP Auth module.

Q: I saw that YouTrack integrates with GitLab. How does integration with Upsource work? Are repositories hosted in Upsource and must they be hosted there?

A: Nope, you connect Upsource to your source control and YouTrack gets the changes from there. Upsource does not host repositories. It provides an interface on top of your repositories that allows to browse code, and create reviews on top of the changes it detects in the vcs.

Q: How are these tools integrated with JetBrains IDEs (IntelliJ, WebStorm etc.)? Are there plugins available?

A: Upsource has a plugin for IDEs that allow to participate in code review from the IDE. TeamCity also has a plugin for IDEs. YouTrack has direct integration with JetBrains IDEs. Here is a short video.

Q: How to access Hub Services list?

A: When you’re in Hub, it’s under  More Settings->Services.

Q: Any timelines for TeamCity integration?

A: Can’t share any exact timelines as of right now.

Q: When TeamCity will get support to connect over SSL to YouTrack or Hub with self-signed certificates?

A: It’s already possible to connect to YouTrack/Hub that use a self-signed certificate.  Since TeamCity is a Java application, this answer applies to it. 

Q: Do you have any plans to organize Upsource’s projects in groups on the main screen?

A: Yes, we’re working on it.

Q: If the tests are failed is it possible to roll back changes?

A: It is possible to use the remote run or the pre-tested commit features of TeamCity which will make sure your code gets committed only if all tests pass and the build is successful.  You can also run a history build with source code corresponding to any past change (not taking later changes). This helps you identify which change caused build failure and produce a build even if someone has just submitted broken code to the repository.

Q: Do you have examples of auditors using this data for PCI or Sox in Hub?

A: Unfortunately, not at the moment.

Please feel free to ask more questions in the comments. Follow @jetbrains_hub on Twitter to get the latest news!

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