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Hub 2017.1 is released!

We are happy to announce the release of Hub 2017.1!


What does Hub 2017.1 bring?

Hub 2017.1 introduces quick navigation, LDAP bind to a fixed account, credentials management, and dozens of UI and usability improvements!

Key New Features

  • Quick navigation
  • Revised access tab
  • LDAP bind to a fixed account
  • Credentials management
  • Permanent access token


  • Description for banned users
  • Scheduled backups
  • Enhanced Auth Modules
  • Delete an entity from anywhere
  • Open service URL

Sounds awesome? Get Hub 2017.1 now for free and start enjoying the new version!
Let’s have a look at the new features.

Quick navigation

Hub 2017.1 introduces a quick navigation feature. It lets you you search for and navigate to any entity from any page in Hub. For example, press Ctrl+K or Cmd+K (Mac OS) to open a global navigation dialog, start typing the name of the entity that you wish to go to, and Hub’s smart search will take you there!


Revised access tab

We have fully redesigned access tab, which gives you full control over access management. The new access tab makes it more convenient to grant or revoke roles, see the permissions set, and filter roles per users, projects or groups.

Revised access tab

LDAP bind to a fixed account

Hub 2017.1 lets you send LDAP bind requests to a fixed user account. This option lets you set up standard two-step LDAP authentication. With this model, you use a dedicated account for the LDAP bind request and search for the user you want to authenticate on behalf of the bind user.
With this feature, you can set up an LDAP authentication module and still use logins that are not part of the Distinguished Name (DN), like an email address or token. This is also similar to the login configuration that is used by TeamCity, so administrators can use a single model for LDAP integration in all JetBrains team tools. Check out the documentation to find out more how to configure a bind user.


Credentials management

In Hub 2017.1 you may add additional credentials to your user profile. You can merge existing credentials with your Hub account or create a new one. This new feature lets you restore your profile with the additional credentials, if you accidentally delete your primary ones.


Permanent access token

Now you can use permanent tokens to strengthen security for Hub integrations with external services. Simply create a new token with a specific access scope, and use it for authentication in API calls.



Description for banned users

When you ban a user in Hub 2017.1, you can enter a reason for performing this action. This description is added next to the user name and visible to other users who have the necessary permissions.


Scheduled backups

You can now schedule automatic backups. You no longer need to manually create backups to save an archive copy of your Hub database. Select a pre-configured interval or use a cron expression to set a custom interval. Hub saves your data like clockwork.


Delete an entity from anywhere

Before Hub 2017.1, the only way to delete an entity was to manually find it in the relevant list. That meant admins had to spent time looking for the right entity. Now it is possible to delete a user, group, or any other entity right from its page.

Delete entity

Enhanced Auth Modules

In Hub 2017.1, you can now create and configure a custom OAuth 2.0 module. We also improved the interface for new authentication modules and added pre-sets for the following services: Facebook, Yandex, Microsoft Live, PayPal, Azure AD and Amazon.


Open service URL

This small improvement will save your time when working with services in Hub. If you want to open a service’s home URL, you don’t have to copy and paste its link anymore; simply click “open url” next to it.


Other improvements

We have improved the way resources are changed; added the ability to disable trusted SSL certificates; and introduced the ability to specify a connection and read timeouts for an auth module, among others. For more details, please check the Release Notes.

Sounds great? Download Hub 2017.1 today and enjoy all the new features!
If you have any questions, please contact our support team.

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