IntelliJ IDEA
IntelliJ IDEA – the IDE for Professional Development in Java and Kotlin
Groovy Victorious in JAX Innovation Award 2007
The votes are in and the main JAX Innovation Award 2007 goes to… Groovy!
“The contribution “Groovy,” handed in by the Codehaus Community, won the first prize of the JAX Innovation Award 2007. “Groovy proves in a unique way that the Java Community is capable of substantial innovations even in the year 12 after its creation”, said Sebastian Meyen, member of the JAX Innovation Award Jury. “The project is a satisfying answer to the latest trends regarding agile, dynamic programming languages and helps users to secure their investments in the Java platform.”
Read the full post at
JetBrains, as makers of IntelliJ IDEA, concur with the jury. We also think Groovy is a great innovative technology! What is more, we’re working on extending the essential IntelliJ IDEA features to Groovy. These include compilation and building, code completion, smart navigation and search, and a lot more.
Look forward to Groovy support in IntelliJ IDEA!