Early Access Program

Maia Goes Public Beta

It finally happened! IntelliJ IDEA 9 is now publicly available in its official Beta state.

In this release you will find almost everything we have prepared for IntelliJ IDEA 9:

  • Faster environment with background-enabled indexes
  • Improved code understanding, including dead code detection and extended folding options
  • Cleaner and more productive coding thanks to improved completion, intention actions, and more efficient UI
  • Full Java EE 6 support plus GlassFish 3, EJB 3.1, JPA 2.0, Servlet 3.0, JSF 2.0
  • Language polyglot arsenal extended with PHP, Scala and La Clojure, and improved Groovy
  • New Web frameworks support: Tapestry, GAE, GWT 1.7 and Spring 3.0 with Spring Security
  • OSGi Application Development
  • Enhanced Maven support
  • Android development facilities,
  • Better Flex Development, and more.

You can read more about improvements, get the fresh release, try it all for yourself, and submit your feedback via YouTrack, our brand-new issue tracker: http://youtrack.jetbrains.net/issues/IDEA

Also, don’t forget that our Free Upgrade Program is still effective and you can buy IntelliJ IDEA 9 even before it’s out!

Develop with Pleasure!

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