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IntelliJ IDEA welcomes all Flash Builder Linux users

Adobe Systems Inc. has recently announced it is stopping further development of Flash Builder for Linux.

If this news makes you uneasy, take it as a great opportunity to learn some new tools!

We welcome all of you to try IntelliJ IDEA as Flex, ActionScript and AIR IDE for every OS, but we aren’t the only ones to do so.

James Ward, a Technical Evangelist at Adobe, has posted an article to his blog in relation to the Flash Builder Linux shutdown, “Flex Development on Linux with IntelliJ IDEA”. James says IntelliJ IDEA is “doing a great job”. He has also recorded a short overview video about using it as your Flex IDE on Linux that we recommend watching.

So, check out the short video below, try IntelliJ IDEA as your new Flex and ActionScript IDE and let us know what you think!

You can download 30-day trial of the latest stable IntelliJ IDEA. Alternatively, you can grab an Early Access build of IntelliJ IDEA 10 which was actually shown in the above video and offers some new cool features.

Develop with pleasure!

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