IntelliJ IDEA
IntelliJ IDEA – the IDE for Professional Development in Java and Kotlin
Tips & Tricks
30 Days with IntelliJ IDEA. Folding
To keep our promise to publish a new article from our 30-day guide on the trickiest features of IntelliJ IDEA every week, today we are talking about code folding, a feature that helps you read and understand complex or lenghty pieces of code quickly.
Did you know?
Did you know that you can toggle folding of code blocks at the caret by invoking the Fold selection action via the shortcut Ctrl + “.” (Cmd + “.” for Mac).
Another useful action is Expand All via Shift + Ctrl + “+” (Shift + Cmd + “+” for Mac) which automatically expands all folded blocks in the current editor.
Please read the complete article to learn more about this feature.
Develop with Pleasure!
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