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IntelliJ IDEA – the IDE for Professional Development in Java and Kotlin

Tips & Tricks

30 Days with IntelliJ IDEA. Inspections

We continue to publish new articles from the 30 Day Guide for learning the fundamental features of IntelliJ IDEA. Today we will talk about such basic thing as inspections.

As you know inspections are built-in tools that help you find probable bugs, locate dead code, detect performance issues and improve the overall code structure.

Navigate to the next/previous problem

Did you know that you can quickly navigate between the highlighted problems within a file via shortcuts? Press F2 to go to the next problem and Shift + F2 to the previous one. If you press Ctrl + F1 (Cmd + F1 for Mac) the IDE will display the detailed description of the error at caret.

Navigate to the most important problem

Once ‘Next Error’ action goes to high priority problems setting enabled in SettingsEditor, F2 key will always navigate you to the most important problem in the file.

Read the complete article to learn more on the inspections in IntelliJ IDEA.

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