IntelliJ IDEA
IntelliJ IDEA – the IDE for Professional Development in Java and Kotlin
30 Days with IntelliJ IDEA. Application Servers
Last year was so busy with conferences and the major release of v13 that at some point we stopped publishing new articles from the 30 Day Guide. But we’re back on track now! The new year always means new tips and tricks for your favorite IDE. The good news is that the new article is already awaiting for you, this time on how to work with application servers.
It no secret that IntelliJ IDEA comes with out-of-the-box support for enterprise and open-source application servers including GlassFish, WebLogic, JBoss EAP, Wildfly, WebSphere, Tomcat, TomEE, Jetty, Geronimo, Resin and Virgo. The IDE helps configure and manage servers, deploy and undeploy artifacts and of course debug running applications.
Did you know?
IntelliJ IDEA provides an easy way to apply changes to a running application without restarting or redeployment. As you may have noticed before, one of the parameters in the Run configuration dialog is the On ‘update’ action. This action defines how to update the application when you use the Update action via Ctrl + F10 (Cmd+ F10 for Mac).
Based on your choice, the IDE can update resources, update classes and resources, redeploy or restart the server. Turn off the Show dialog checkbox if you don’t like to see the dialog each time you update the application. This is a great time-saver when you update your application very frequently.
One more important parameter the Run configuration dialog is On frame deactivation. It defines how to update the application when you switch from the IDE, say to a browser. Based on these settings, the IDE can update resources, update classes and resources, or do nothing. This setting may be very useful when you’d like to have your application updated automatically each time when you switch to a browser.
Read the complete article to other tricky aspects of how to work with application servers in IntelliJ IDEA.
More interesting articles are coming soon! Let us know if you’d like us to cover a specific topic.
Develop with Pleasure!