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Webinar Recording: Introduction to Akka Actors with Java 8

Last week we had a pleasure of hosting a webinar in partnership with Lightbend about Akka Actors and Java 8. In it, Johan gave an introduction into how to write Actors and also answered a great number of questions. If you missed the webinar, but the topic is interesting to you, you’re welcome to watch the recording:

Jump directly to a topic you’re most interested in using the following links:

The sources of the project used by Johan can be found on GitHub.

For slides, use this link.

Also, please suggest other topics you’d like us to cover in our further webinars and the authors you’d like to have as webinar guests. In case you’d like to be such guest yourself, write to me about it.

Speaking to you

Johan AndrénJohan Andrén is a member of the Akka team at Lightbend. He has been working professionally with tech on the JVM since 2005, focused on Scala and Lightbend technologies the last five years. He is located in Stockholm, Sweden. Follow Johan on Twitter.

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