Early Access Program Features

IntelliJ IDEA 2017.1 EAP 171.2613.7 is Out

Hello, and welcome to IntelliJ IDEA 2017.1 weekly. We have a fresh EAP build, that, among the usual bugfixes, brings several notable changes:

  • ANSI color codes are now supported by the Docker and Google App Engine consoles
  • Docker tool window now allows you to configure visible Docker images and containers
  • New inspection Inline else code branch
  • Constant Conditions & Exceptions inspection now also reports nullable methods that always return non-null values
  • Hyperlinks are now clickable in Terminal
  • Even better inspection that checks and converts for loops into chains of Java 8 Stream API calls

Your feedback is very welcome in our issue tracker as well as the discussion forum as always.

Develop with Pleasure!

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