
Java Annotated Monthly – September 2017

The major news in August was for Android, with the release of Oreo.  Other than that, the rest of the Java world seems to be holding its breath waiting for Java 9, due (finally!) this month. The lull in pure technology news gives us a chance to explore other topics that affect us as developers and members of a larger organisation, so this month we have a whole section on Culture.



There’s not a lot of Java 9 specific news this month, so all the Java news is in one section for a change.


Android Oreo is now out! So as you’d expect there’s Oreo-related news along with the usual mix of good practice, patterns, things learnt the hard way.

Languages, Frameworks and Libraries

News about Java/JVM-related technologies, as usual there’s reasonable overlap with the Android and Java sections.

Design and Architecture

August was a quiet month for this topic, unless you want yet more “Microservices! The answer to everything!”/”Microservices! They don’t work!” articles.


Every month I come across interesting articles that are related to being a developer, but aren’t specifically about development technologies.  The relative lack of technology news this month combined with the expectation that there will be a lot of Java-related news off the back of September’s release of Java 9, means this is the perfect time to clear the backlog of articles I’ve nebulously labelled “Dev Culture”.


Come and say hello at the booth, see our presentations and ask us any questions!

And Finally

News and topics from the IntelliJ IDEA blog that you may have missed:

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