IntelliJ IDEA
IntelliJ IDEA – the IDE for Professional Development in Java and Kotlin
IntelliJ IDEA 2018.1 EAP: Partial Git commits and more
It’s time for our next IntelliJ IDEA 2018.1 EAP build with all its shiny new features. We encourage you to download the new EAP build from our website, or make an update via the Toolbox App.
First of all, the upcoming IntelliJ IDEA 2018.1 supports partial Git commits (git add -p). Starting with this latest EAP, the IDE commits only selected changes from the file and skips all other changes.
You can include code chunks into a commit using the checkboxes in the Diff pane of the Commit Changes dialog.
Additionally, the IDE now provides the ability to associate the code chunks, not the whole file, with a changelist, and track them separately. Code chunks can be quickly moved between changelists using the Move to another changelist action which is available from the context menu of the Diff pane in the Commit Changes dialog.
Alternatively, you can add code chunks to a changelist right from the editor – click on a change marker in the gutter. In the pop-up which appears you can choose from the available changelists or create a new one.
We plan to publish a dedicated blog post about the support for the Git partial commit feature as soon as possible. Stay tuned!
With the upcoming IntelliJ IDEA 2018.1 you can choose how to display your local changes by grouping them according to their: directory, module or repository with the new Group by icon, available in the Local Changes tab in the Version Control Tool Window. Previously the IDE only allowed you to group or ungroup your local changes simultaneously by directory and module. Now you can select one of the grouping options or all three at once if needed. Please note that grouping by the repository will only be available when you have 2 or more roots configured in your project.
Postfix code completion enhancements
The upcoming IntelliJ IDEA 2018.1 has had improvements made to the postfix code completion. The IDE now provides the ability to define the custom postfix Java templates at Preferences | Editor | General | Postfix Completion.
You can now create your own Java templates or edit and rename some of the predefined Java templates.
The IDE now also provides the .arg postfix completion that wraps an object with a method call.
In other news, the Kotlin plugin bundled with the IDE has been updated to v1.2.30-eap-60.
For the complete list of changes, please refer to the Release Notes.
We’re very excited about these new features, and we hope that you’ll find these improvements useful. Give this new build a try and share your feedback with us in our discussion forum, issue tracker or twitter.
Happy Developing!