News Releases

IntelliJ IDEA 2020.2.1 Is Available

Even with the latest release still fresh in our minds, we are already back again with an improved version of IntelliJ IDEA. This bug-fix update fine tunes the major 2020.2 release, helping you stay even more focused and productive.

As usual, you can update to the new version from inside the IDE, with the Toolbox App, or using snaps if you are an Ubuntu user. It is also available for download from our website.

The most significant fixes are:

  • The Lombok plugin now works as expected without getting blocked by exceptions. [IDEA-248146]
  • The MacBook Touch Bar no longer gets stuck after debugging. [IDEA-227511]
  • We’ve improved the auto-import UX for Gradle and Maven projects. [IDEA-237299]
  • The Pull Requests tool window opens for all projects on a GitHub Enterprise server. [IDEA-246045]
  • The Windows Defender warning doesn’t interrupt your work. [IDEA-247817]
  • New tabs are opened according to your preferences. [IDEA-220087]
  • The Terminal cursor now works fine with multiple open projects. [IDEA-221129]
  • The file selection shortcut in the Project view is back to normal. [IDEA-236737]
  • The IDE shows the Local History for projects on the WSL file system. [IDEA-241935]
  • Projects created in the root directory of a drive now open on Windows. [IDEA-245823]
  • The IDE runs database queries smoothly. [IDEA-241881]
  • The IDE successfully connects to a remote host with the new SSH Configurations. [IDEA-246307]
  • Pull requests work correctly for all GitHub Enterprise URLs. [IDEA-247259]

You can always find a full list of changes in the release notes. If you have any suggestions about how we can improve IntelliJ IDEA, please comment on this article or post them to our issue tracker.

Happy developing!

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