Early Access Program

IntelliJ IDEA 2022.1 Beta 2 Is Available

IntelliJ IDEA 2022.1 Beta 2 is here. 

You can download the new build from our website. You can also get it via the free Toolbox App or by using snaps for Ubuntu. 

IntelliJ IDEA 2022.1 Beta 2 includes some changes and improvements that we haven’t yet covered in our previous EAP blog posts. Read on to learn about Java updates, improved IDE performance when working with Kotlin, and more.


Java 18 support 

IntelliJ IDEA 2022.1 supports new features from Java 18, which was released in March 2022.The IDE now supports code snippets, the changes to pattern matching for switch expressions, and more. For details, refer to this blog post.  

Better JUnit 5 support 

We have added support for the new features introduced in JUnit 5.7, including support for the @EnabledIf/DisabledIf, @NullSource/EmptySource, and @TempDir annotations.

We’ve also introduced some updates aimed at ensuring feature parity with Kotlin.


Improved IDE performance for Kotlin 

We’ve optimized package indexes, significantly increasing the IDE’s speed when performing code completion, highlighting, and operations related to reference search. The number and scope of re-indexing cases happening after code changes has also decreased.

Debugger improvements 

We’ve introduced some useful improvements and updates to the functionality of Smart Step Into when debugging Kotlin projects. We’ve also addressed a number of issues involving breakpoints. 

Kover plugin integration

To ensure better Kotlin code coverage, the Kover plugin has been integrated with IntelliJ IDEA.


New Incorrect formatting inspection

We’ve implemented the Incorrect formatting inspection, which notifies the user if the current formatting of a file does not match the code style settings.

To turn on the inspection, go to Settings/Preferences | Editor | Inspections | General | Incorrect formatting

User Experience

Inlay Hints: new settings UI  

We’ve implemented a new UI for Inlay Hints settings. It allows you to configure your preferences based on the type of hints you want the IDE to provide. 


Define external diff and merge tools by file media type 

IntelliJ IDEA 2022.1 now allows specifying different external diff and merge tools based on the file type. To configure them, go to Settings / Preferences | Tools | Diff & Merge | External Diff Tools.

To get the full list of updates in this build, please refer to the release notes.

While we’re working on the Release Candidate, we invite you to explore the new features introduced throughout the IntelliJ IDEA 2022.1 Early Access Program, test them out, and share your feedback with us via our issue tracker, on Twitter, or in the comments section below.

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