Early Access Program IntelliJ IDEA

IntelliJ IDEA 2022.3 Goes Beta!

IntelliJ IDEA 2022.3 Beta is now available! You can download the latest build from our website, from the free Toolbox App, or update using snaps for Ubuntu.

The Beta version includes all of the updates and improvements that we have previously covered in the blog posts over the course of the IntelliJ IDEA 2022.3 Early Access Program. Here are some of the highlights: 

  • New IntelliJ IDEA UI available via a setting. 
  • New Settings Sync solution.
  • Improved tips of the day.
  • Improved Bookmarks.
  • Option to dock tool windows to floating editor tabs.
  • Faster IDE startup and project opening.
  • New Java inspections and other improvements.
  • Enhanced Data Flow Analysis assistance in the Java debugger.
  • A new way to work with projects in WSL2.
  • Maven import using the new IntelliJ IDEA Workspace Model API (Experimental).
  • Improvements for Gradle.
  • Improved Flame Graph in the profiler.
  • Support for Hibernate 6.1 features.
  • A new way to autowire bean dependencies.
  • Docker updates.

To find more information about the changes and improvements introduced within the ongoing development cycle, check out the release notes

IntelliJ IDEA 2022.3 Beta also includes some updates that haven’t been covered yet. Take a look!

User experience 

Visual formatting layer in Reader mode

IntelliJ IDEA 2022.3 now provides the ability to read code in your preferred style, which might differ from the current file formatting. You can apply a new visual formatting layer in Reader mode, which visually adjusts the code according to your custom formatting scheme with no need to reformat the real code.

Similar usages clusters in Find Usages results

For IntelliJ IDEA 2022.3, we’ve improved the Find Usages functionality to provide you with more insightful information about how any code element is used in a project.

With the help of a clustering algorithm, the IDE now analyzes search results, detects the most common usage patterns, and categorizes all found usages into groups based on their structural similarity. These usage clusters appear in the Preview tab of the Find Usages toolwindow. Select any group node from the list and click on Show similar usages to look through the results.

Version Control Systems

Redesigned Review list for GitHub and Space

We’ve reworked the Review list UI to help reduce cognitive load and provide the most important information about requests at a glance. As part of this, we’ve also ensured a consistent look and feel across all supported review platforms.

While we’re getting everything ready for the major release, there are still a couple weeks where you can test out the new features and help us make the final version work smoothly. Please share your feedback with us in the comments section below or on Twitter, or submit a report to our issue tracker if you find a bug. 

Happy developing!

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