Early Access Program IntelliJ IDEA

IntelliJ IDEA 2023.1 EAP 3: New UI Enhancements, Docker Improvements, and Kubernetes Updates

The IntelliJ IDEA 2023.1 Early Access Program is ongoing and the third build is now available!

You can get the latest build from our website, through the free Toolbox App, or as a snap if you use Ubuntu. 

To learn about the previously added features from the past two weeks, check out the blog posts tagged with IntelliJ IDEA 2023.1 EAP.

In this blog post, we’ll cover the latest updates for IntelliJ IDEA, including the most anticipated enhancements to the new UI and several improvements to Kubernetes and Docker functionalities.

User experience

Vertical split for tool windows in the new UI

For the new UI, we’ve introduced the option to split the tool window area so that you can conveniently arrange these windows.

To add a tool window to this area and place it in the lower part, drag its icon along the sidebar and drop it under the separator. Alternatively, you can right-click on an icon to call the context menu and assign the new placement for a tool window using the Move to action.

Compact Mode for the new UI

To improve the user experience with IntelliJ IDEA’s new UI on smaller screens, we’ve introduced Compact Mode which provides a more consolidated look and feel due to the reduced heights for toolbars and tool window headers, scaled-down spacings and paddings, and smaller icons and buttons.

To turn Compact Mode on, go to the View menu and select Appearance | Compact Mode.


Merged logs from all Docker-compose containers

The Dashboard tab of the Docker-compose node now pulls together logs from every Docker-compose container and displays them all in one place, updated in real time.

Support for Azure Container Registry 

You can now easily connect to Azure Container Registry. 

Go to Settings/Preferences | Build, Execution, Deployment | Docker | Docker Registry and set it up by selecting the Docker V2 option in the Registry input field. 

New setting to apply the:z mount option to bind volumes on SELinux 

You now have the ability to add :z configuration flags to Docker bind mounts, which allows you to connect volumes to Docker containers on SELinux workstations. 

To enable this functionality, go to Settings/Preferences | Advanced Settings | Docker. 


File templates in the New Kubernetes Resource popup

To make creating new Kubernetes files easier, we’ve added a new action to the File | New menu

Once you select the New Kubernetes Resource option, you’ll see a popup that features a list of the most popular resource types, such as Pod, Deployment, ConfigMap, etc.

Action to create new Kubernetes Secrets 

IntelliJ IDEA 2023.1 EAP 3 introduces a new dialog to create Kubernetes Secrets. 

To define a new Secret, you can input a key and value manually. Alternatively, you can specify a file whose content will be used for the value of the resulting Secret. 

Color-coded change markers in the gutter for Kubernetes resources loaded from cluster 

When you use the View YAML action for resources from a cluster and make any changes in the opened file, the IDE highlights all of your edits with color-coded marks in the gutter. This way, you can be sure that the changes are made to the  required parts of the resource before you apply them back to the cluster.

Additionally, using the Compare with Cluster icon, you can open a full diff view that will fetch the resource’s current version from the cluster and compare it with the local version.

Improved user experience with kubeconfig files

IntelliJ IDEA 2023.1 EAP 3 has refined the user experience for working with kubeconfig files. You can now easily access a kubeconfig file in the Services view and open it in the editor. 

If you change a kubeconfig file outside of IntelliJ IDEA, the IDE will detect this and automatically refresh its configuration in the Services tool window.

Furthermore, the IDE now supports both code highlighting and completion for kubeconfig files. 

Ability to assign custom shortcuts for actions in the Service view

You can now assign shortcuts for most Kubernetes actions in the Service view, like Forward Ports, Delete Resource, and Describe Resource, among others 

To set your custom shortcuts, go to Settings/Preferences | Keymap | Plugins | Kubernetes


Docker debug deprecation

The Docker debug functionality has been deprecated. To debug your applications using Docker containers, please use Run targets instead. 

These are the most notable new features contained in the IntelliJ IDEA 2023.1 EAP 3 build. For the full list of the implemented changes, refer to the release notes. Stay tuned for more improvements and valuable additions to the IDE next week!

We value your feedback. Please share your opinion on the new functionality in the comments section below or on Twitter. If you face any issues, please report them to our issue tracker

Happy developing! 

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