
IntelliJ IDEA 2023.1.3 Is Out!

The third bug-fix update for v2023.1 is now available.

You can update to this version from inside the IDE, using the Toolbox App, or using snaps if you are a Ubuntu user. You can also download it from our website.

Here are the most notable fixes and updates that IntelliJ IDEA 2023.1.3 brings:

  • We fixed the issue that was causing the IDE to crash when using the navigation feature in Raycast. [IDEA-317346]
  • Navigation to implementations works as expected in decompiled classes. [IDEA-308933]
  • The issue with launching multi-module projects using the Quarkus run configuration has been resolved. [IDEA-317297]
  • The issue that caused the deletion of records from the list of local tasks has been fixed. [IDEA-274672]
  • We fixed the issues that were causing the main menu groups to malfunction and not process actions correctly on macOS. [IDEA-319117], [IDEA-318603
  • Several issues that affected working in LightEdit mode have been fixed [IDEA-315639], [IDEA-315526], [IDEA-316537].
  • Building JPS projects utilizing JDK 8 with both JDK and project files stored on WSL no longer fails. [IDEA-319240]
  • The IDE no longer erroneously reports autowiring errors in @ConfigurationProperties for fields set via when using Lombok in Spring Boot projects. [IDEA-319269]
  • Several issues appearing when setting active Spring profiles have been fixed. [IDEA-177780], [IDEA-177783], [IDEA-309671], [IDEA-314635]

You can find a full list of the resolved issues in the release notes.

We always look forward to your feedback and bug reports in our issue tracker.

Happy developing!

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