
New Livestream: JPA Buddy – From Zero to Hero

Updated on 10/11/2023.

On November 9, 2023, we hosted our IntelliJ IDEA LiveStream with Marco Behler to learn about JPA Buddy’s functionality.

Session abstract

In this #noslides live-coding session, you’ll learn about JPA Buddy’s functionality for managing your JPA data model from the ground up. JPA Buddy currently works as a plugin, but starting with the 2023.3 release, its main functionality will be bundled into IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate by default.

We’ll cover its coding assistance and smart inspection features that let you easily create JPA entities, Spring Data repositories, DTOs, and mappers – all while giving validation feedback before running an application. We’ll also spend time on its database migration features in combination with Flyway or Liquibase, as well as its reverse engineering capabilities that let you easily create JPA entities from an existing database schema.

We highly recommend this session to any developer who regularly uses JPA-related libraries.

Asking questions

Marco will try to answer all of your questions during the session. If we run out of time, we’ll publish the answers to any remaining questions in a follow-up blog post. We’ll do our best to address all of your questions.

Your speaker and host



Marco Behler

Marco works as a Developer Advocate at JetBrains in Munich, Germany. Through guides, tweets, books, and talks, Marco loves to share everything he knows about writing and building awesome software – knowledge he acquired from a decade of consulting in the Java and Spring ecosystems.


Mala Gupta

A Java Champion and JUG leader, Mala has authored multiple books with Manning, Packt, and O’Reilly Publications. She has more than two decades of experience in the software industry and is a regular speaker at industry conferences around the world. She has been actively supporting Java certification as a path to career advancement.

Happy developing!

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