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A concise multiplatform language developed by JetBrains


Kotlin Night in London Recordings

Kotlin Night in London took place October 12th, 2016 in collaboration with Trifork and GOTO London 2016. We would like to thank everyone who took the time to join us and make the event such a great success. For those who couldn’t attend or who want to rewatch the talks, the video recordings are now available for your viewing pleasure.

Intro Talk
Hadi Hariri, JetBrains

10 Things I’m loving about Kotlin.
Graham Tackley, Kaleida

Through lots of real-world code examples, this practical whistle-stop tour will show the 10 things that make us love our decision to use Kotlin to implement our backend.

Expressive Kotlin – Communicating Through Code.
Duncan McGregor and Nat Pryce, Springer Nature

Springer Nature adopted Kotlin for some projects in October 2015, and have been running in production since March. We’ve found the language to be easy to learn, enjoyable to write, and very expressive. In this talk Duncan will mine our Kotlin code for examples of using language features to communicate intent. Using these techniques, developers can spend less time trying to understand what code does, and achieve more in fewer lines of code.

Enums on Steroids: Using Sealed Classes to Build the Kotlin Concursus API.
Dominic Fox, OpenCredo

A central concern of the API of the Concursus event sourcing framework is generating and handling events of various types, together with their associated event data. Traditionally, this has been done by mapping event types to Java POJOs, but Kotlin’s Sealed Classes and pattern matching provide us with a convenient way to treat a family of events as an abstract data type. In this talk, I’ll show how this was used to build a clean, typesafe API around the core Concursus domain model.

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