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KotlinConf 2018 Live. Join the Conference Online

There are less than 10 days left until KotlinConf 2018. The event team has been working so hard over the whole of the last year to put together 2 days of sessions, and a full day of workshops for over 1200 attendees. Today there is one more exciting announcement to make for the event.

We are happy to welcome you to the KotlinConf 2018 Live event.


  • Major Kotlin updates in the opening Keynote by Andrey Breslav;
  • 14 Live Sessions over two days;
  • Closing Panel with an option to ask your questions via Twitter. Use hashtag #kc18ask.

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Keynote and Sessions

The live stream kicks-off with the Keynote starting on October 4th at 9 am CEST. Where all the major Kotlin updates will be revealed.

After the Keynote, we will start broadcasting the conference sessions taking place in the Effectenbeurzaal room over the two days. The Live track will cover talks by the leads of the Kotlin team at JetBrains, as well as authors and contributors of the Kotlin ecosystem. Jake Wharton, Christina Lee, Venkat Subramaniam, Alicia Karr are among the speakers for the KotlinConf Live. Check out the full list of Live talks at KotlinConf 2018 day one and day two

Closing Panel

Post your questions for the Closing Panel online. The Panel takes place on October 5th at 5.15 am CEST, but you are welcome to start posting your questions on Twitter using the special hashtag #kc18ask right away.
Make sure you don’t miss the start of the event and sign-up to get a notification before the beginning of the Panel.

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