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Calling All Kotlin Programmers! Take Part in Kotlin Heroes: Episode 7 Coding Contest

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If you’ve been thinking of new ways to level up your Kotlin coding skills, programming competitions are a great way to do so.

Starting from June 22, you can polish your Kotlin skills and practice solving algorithmic problems in a dedicated practice round on the Codeforces platform. On June 29, the real challenge begins – take part in Kotlin Heroes: Episode 7, and compete to win prizes!

I like a challenge, sign me up!

Even if you’ve never participated in programming contests before, we encourage you to give it a try. This is a great opportunity to test your limits and improve your coding.

The tasks of this episode are thought-provoking, fun, and designed to suit programmers of all levels. And everyone has a chance to win prizes!

It’s easy to take part

  1. Register on the Codeforces platform.
  2. Register for the Kotlin Heroes: Episode 7 contest. 
  3. Mark your calendar: June 29, 2021, at 14:35 UTC.
  4. Show up at the appointed time and enjoy the competitive spirit!

Take Part in Kotlin Heroes!

How to prepare

Enroll in the practice round with open solutions, which starts on June 22, 2021, at 13:35 UTC and lasts for a week. In this round, all solutions are open and you can see hints if you get stuck. 

Refresh your knowledge of Kotlin and learn more about competitive programming:

Contest rules

  • The contest features a set of up to 10 problems that range from simple ones, designed to be solvable by anyone, to hard ones, to make it more interesting. You are only allowed to use Kotlin to solve these problems. You have 2 hours and 30 minutes to complete the tasks. You move up the leaderboard by finding the most efficient solutions to the problems in the shortest time possible.


  • The top three winners will receive prizes of $512, $256, and $128, respectively. 
  • The top 50 contestants will win an exclusive Kotlin Heroes t-shirt and Kotlin stickers. 
  • Every competitor who solves at least one problem is entered into a drawing for one of the 50 exclusive Kotlin Heroes t-shirts.

I like a challenge, sign me up!

Good luck and enjoy Kotlin!

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