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A concise multiplatform language developed by JetBrains


Monthly News: Kotlin 1.7.20 Beta, KotlinConf Workshops, New Webinar, and more!

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Kotlin 1.7.20 Beta Is Now Available

This preview version of Kotlin brings:

  • The new Kotlin K2 compiler that supports Lombok, all-open, Parcelize, and other compiler plugins.
  • A preview of the ..< operator for creating open-ended ranges.
  • The new Kotlin/Native memory manager enabled by default.
  • A new experimental feature for JVM – inline classes with generic underlying type.

Learn more about these features and how to enable them in What’s new in Kotlin 1.7.20-Beta.

Try Kotlin 1.7.20 Beta

Stay up to date with our monthly digest, which features all the most important news about the Kotlin ecosystem! Subscribe here.

The Complete List of the Workshops Has Been Announced!

Amazing speakers from JetBrains, Google, Touchlab, and other companies will cover cutting-edge topics! Jetpack Compose, Multiplatform Mobile in production, TDD, Microservices with Ktor and Kafka, Reactive Spring Boot with Coroutines, and more are on the menu for the KotlinConf’23 workshop day.

Seats for each workshop are limited, so choose your favorite, register soon, and don’t miss out!

Choose a Workshop

The New Multiplatform Mobile Onboarding

If you’ve ever thought of having a crack at Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile, the time is now! Our team has updated the Get Started tutorial. Follow it step by step to create your first application with shared code for iOS and Android.

Start the Tutorial

👩‍🔬 We are looking for 📱 Android developers to participate in a diary study. Our goal is to make the onboarding process with Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile even smoother. If you would like to take part, please complete this quick screener survey and choose a time that would work for you if your profile matches our criteria. As a token of our appreciation, every interview participant will receive a gift. 🎁

Take the survey

Webinar: Kotlin and Code With Me

Besides collaborative software development, the Code With Me tool is a true gem for showing and explaining code to others. Together with Matt Ellis and Sebastian Aigner, we will explore the best practices for knowledge sharing using Code With Me. Join the webinar on August 11, 7.00 pm CET.


Multik v0.2 Has Been Released!

Multik is a multidimensional array library for Kotlin, and in July we released version 0.2.0. The new release brings multidimensional arrays to your favorite multiplatform projects. It also brought support for Android and Apple Silicon processors and usability improvements.

Kudos from the team to Luca Spinazzola, who has contributed massively to the multiplatform capabilities of the library in this release.

Learn More

Incremental Compilation in Kotlin – The New Approach

We introduced the new incremental compilation for project changes in cross-module dependencies. Now incremental compilation is supported when changes are made inside dependent non-Kotlin modules. It is also compatible with the Gradle build cache. The new approach is currently in the experimental state and has been released only for the JVM backend. You can discover more information, including about benchmarks, in our blog post.

Try the new approach

Kotlin Design Patterns and Best Practices | Talking Kotlin

The new episode of Talking Kotlin with Alexey Soshin is dedicated to Kotlin design patterns. Alexey is a software architect with more than 15 years of experience and the author of the book “Kotlin Design Patterns and Best Practices”. As always, the new episode is brought to you by the wonderful Hadi Hariri and Sebastian Aigner. Check it out now!

Watch the video

From Java to Kotlin and Back | Kotlin Team Tutorial

A new tutorial from the Kotlin team has been published! Our developer advocate, Anton Arhipov, shares essential details you need to know about calling Java from Kotlin code and vice versa.

Watch the video

New Kotlin API for Apache Spark Is Now Available

The Kotlin API for Apache Spark has been updated to version 1.2. It brings support for MLLib, RDD, UDTs, and UDFs, and now works with all versions of Scala and patch versions of Spark. Want to learn how you can apply it in your projects? Read more in the blog post!

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The State of Mobile Jobs Survey 2022

Mobile tutorials platform raywenderlich.com has initiated the State of Mobile Jobs Survey 2022. The goal of this research is to figure out fair compensation for mobile developers in regards to specific skills, location, and industry. To do that, they have launched an anonymous survey. The results will be fed back to the community after September 15, 2022.

Are you a mobile developer? Fill out the survey!

Fill out the survey

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