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A concise multiplatform language developed by JetBrains


We Are Looking For EAP Champions!

The Kotlin Early Access Preview (EAP) is a program where the Kotlin team ships a few Beta and Release Candidate builds before every release. Any Kotlin developer can participate in the Early Access Preview, try out the latest Kotlin features before they are released, and help the Kotlin team gather the feedback necessary to stabilize a new language version.

While every EAP participant is very helpful, it’s invaluable to have direct contact with people who test each release on the same project. The majority of EAP participants currently use it with hobby projects, so we lack feedback from projects with a huge codebase. To make sure that all scenarios and project types are tested with the new Kotlin version, we’re starting the EAP Champions program – we invite you to join!

EAP Champions are a group of developers who work on large-scale, production-grade projects. For each EAP (Beta and RC) release, the Kotlin Release Management team will ask the EAP champions to test the new Kotlin version and share if they found any problems, performance regressions, or questionable behavior. All communications will happen on the #Kotlinlang Slack channel.

You can become an EAP champion if you:

  • Work on a project that has the relevant attributes:
    • 100+ module Android projects.
    • 100+ module server-side projects with Ktor and Spring.
    • Production projects that have KMM modules.
    • Popular JVM/Multiplatform libraries.
  • Are ready to spend a couple of hours over 2 weeks testing each new release.
  • Have already reported issues to YouTrack, or understand how reporting works.
  • Are excited to participate and make an invaluable contribution to Kotlin’s development.

Why is being an EAP champion worthwhile?

  • It’s a great help to the Kotlin team and the community in general.
  • We’ll mention you or your projects in the Kotlin documentation and release blog posts.
  • For each champion who participates in the testing of 4 releases, we’ll send a special “EAP Champion Pack” – unique merch from JetBrains.
  • If you encounter critical problems in your projects, Kotlin engineers will do their best to provide you with assistance in fixing them or finding a workaround.

Fill out the form if you’re ready to participate! The number of EAP Champions is limited.


Thank you for your interest! We already have enough candidates for the current stage of the EAP Champions program. We plan to expand the program in the future, so please still feel free to apply.

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