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Language workbench to create Domain-Specific Languages

Features News

New and updated documentation materials

Now with the 3.2 release of MPS approaching, we’ve updated the introductory materials that aim at introducing newbies to MPS. Typical readers of this blog have probably got over the beginner stage, but many of you may still benefit from some of the materials or use the pointers listed here to help your friends and colleagues to start with MPS smoothly.

Here are the most prominent updates:

  • The Fast Track to MPS tutorial has been updated in many sections so it could be considered the best place to start learning MPS
  • You may have seen the new What JetBrains MPS can do for you? video. If not, check it out!
  • A new series of 11 introductory videos covering all aspects of language definition in MPS has been created
  • A video describing the key principles of the MPS projectional editor has been published
  • The screen-cast Creating your first language in MPS has been updated
  • The mbeddr guys created an updated Why mbeddr uses MPS screencast
  • The User Guide as the ultimate reference documentation has been restructured and updated
  • Two new sample projects come bundled with MPS 3.2:
    • The Migrations sample project to illustrate the workings of language versioning and migration scripts in MPS 3.2
    • The Language Patterns sample project covering basic language design patterns to help beginners properly structure their early languages

We hope you will like what we’ve done.

Develop with pleasure!
-JetBrains MPS Team

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