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Language workbench to create Domain-Specific Languages

Features News

Releasing MPS 3.3 EAP 3

Wrapping up the work we’ve done over summer we’re releasing MPS 3.3 EAP 3. There are two major new features that we would like to encourage you to try out:

  • Lightweight DSL support –  enables internal DSLs to be embedded inside BaseLanguage classes. Internal DSLs in general are easier and faster to develop than full-blown external DSLs, they typically reuse the syntax of the host language and tightly integrate with the surrounding non-DSL code. Similarly, lightweight DSLs in MPS can be created by defining a set of properties, methods and various types of constraints wrapped in a single node and then applying these onto a BaseLanguage ClassConcept or its subconcepts. Check out the documentation for more details.
  • Enhanced ways to customize commented out nodes – in EAP2 MPS added a generic support for commenting out nodes. The feature is fully described at the Commenting out nodes documentation page. In EAP3 the editor definition language contains a Next applicable editor cell, which can greatly simplify customizing the appearance of nodes that are commented out.

Descriptions of all the other new features are gradually being added to the What’s new in MPS 3.3 page. Check it out for full details.

Develop with pleasure!
-JetBrains MPS Team

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