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Language workbench to create Domain-Specific Languages

Features News

New Features for MPS 2020.2!

Our Early Access Program for MPS 2020.2 has started, and the latest version brings a new set of features that we’re excited to introduce.



UI improvements to the VCS

We’ve improved the windows in the Version Control System. The width of the editor area is no longer fixed, so the splitter now moves in both directions. The way changes are highlighted has also been improved. Additionally, we have replaced the triangles and trapezoids in the splitter area with smooth polygons. Tooltips for the changes are displayed both in the editor area and in the splitter area.



Select next sibling (MPS-23097)

It is now possible to use Shift + Left/Right to select multiple sibling nodes. This shortcut can be used for method parameters, array literal values, or statement siblings.

Enhancements to Generation Plans (MPS-32280)

The ‘Show Generation Plan’ action offers a handy resource for understanding the exact steps involved in the transformation of a model. Now, in addition to transformation steps, the action also identifies where the generation plan comes from (e.g. from a custom module facet or a devkit), and gives its name along with a link to the generation plan node. Moreover, the transformation steps keep the name of the generator module when the name of the template model is not qualified, which helps keep similarly named models distinct.

One common complaint has been that it is difficult to find languages excluded from a model transformation due to the restrictions of a generation plan. We are happy to report that we’ve addressed this issue. Languages that are used in the model but that are not covered by the associated plan are now included in the result of the ‘Show Generation Plan’ action. In addition, the ‘Used Languages’ tab in the Model Properties section also offers a warning about such languages.


But that’s not all. We’ve also fixed a variety of bugs from our issue tracker. Let us know what you think about this version, and please report any problems that you encounter.


Stay safe and have a great day!

Your JetBrains MPS team

The Drive to Develop


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