Early Access Program

PhpStorm 2018.2 EAP 182.2574.13

The new PhpStorm 2018.2 EAP build (182.2574.13) is now available! You can download it here or via JetBrains Toolbox App. Or, if you have the previous PhpStorm 2018.2 EAP build (182.2371.32) installed, you should soon get a notification in the IDE about a patch update.

This build delivers new features, bug fixes, and improvements for PHP and the Web, and includes the latest improvements in IntelliJ Platform.

Move Instance Method Refactoring

PhpStorm already has a lot of refactorings that help you to move a method: Pull Up/Push Down refactorings, Move Static Method in combination with the Make Static refactorings. But not all methods can be made static or moved across the class hierarchy.

To cover such cases, PhpStorm 2018.2 introduces a new refactoring that allows moving an instance method to a parameter class or to a field class. Simply invoke the Move refactoring on a method declaration, and if the new refactoring can be applied, you will see a dialog letting you choose the target class.


Jump outside closing bracket/quote with Tab

In the 2018.2 release cycle, IntelliJ Platform has implemented the long-awaited feature that enables you to jump outside brackets, parenthesis, and quotes just by pressing the Tab key. To activate this new mode, open Settings | Editor | General | Smart Keys and select the Jump outside closing bracket/quote with Tab checkbox. The feature works across all languages, be it PHP, JavaScript, or SQL.


Suggest fields of class when completing params in __construct()

If you don’t use the Generate|Constructor action and prefer to create a class constructor yourself, PhpStorm 2018.2 will help you by completing parameters’ names based on the existing fields’ names.


Other PHP features worth noting

  • New Inspection: Warn on optional parameter before required/obligatory parameter WI-9399
  • Completion: list dynamic methods too (basically all) after “::” in second completion invocation WI-18727
  • Allow renaming old style constructor to the new style WI-29142

Apart from new features, this build brings many major bug fixes and usability improvements, including these:

  • Improper type checking of a type-hinted parameter when a default value is set WI-27738 
  • Custom Parameter %VAR% not working when wrapped in single quotes. DBE-2647 
  • Psi aware brace highlighter DBE-521 
  • Clearer connection status indication DBE-1851 
  • Can’t run Karma in @angular/CLI 6 projects WEB-32653 

See the full list of bug-fixes and improvements in our issue tracker and the complete release notes.

Future plans

Use the board here to view the up-to-date list of the features planned for 2018.2 release, as well as discovered bugs. The list only reflects our current plan and is not final. It may be revised during development since new issues may appear and existing may be re-planned to appear in later versions. Please share your opinions on what is important to you and what would you like to see in the new version!

Download PhpStorm 2018.2 EAP 182.2574.13 for your platform from the project EAP page or click “Update” in your JetBrains Toolbox App. And please do report any bugs and feature request to our Issue Tracker.

Your JetBrains PhpStorm Team
The Drive to Develop

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