Early Access Program

PhpStorm 2018.3 EAP 183.3795.24

The new PhpStorm 2018.3 EAP build (183.3795.24) is now available!

This build delivers autodetection of test frameworks and autocreation of run-configurations for tests, a high-contrast theme, and accessibility improvements. It also includes numerous bug fixes and other improvements for PHP, Web, and IntelliJ Platform.

You can download it here or via JetBrains Toolbox App. Or, if you have the previous PhpStorm 2018.3 EAP build installed, you should soon get a notification in the IDE about a patch update.

Autodetect Test Frameworks

PhpStorm supports the PHPUnit, Codeception, Behat, and PHPSpec test frameworks out of the box. Previously, to enable integration with them, you needed to do two things: set up configuration and create a run configuration. Now, if you provide a config file inside your project, both steps will be performed automatically!

If the project root contains any of the following files: behat.yml, codeception.ymlphpspec.yml, phpunit.xml, or phpunit.xml.dist, and you have installed you Composer dependencies, then the respective frameworks will be automatically preconfigured under Preferences | Languages & Frameworks | PHP | Test Frameworks:


Moreover, PhpStorm will create run configurations for you:


And you are now ready to run tests, with no additional configuration required!

High-contrast theme and accessibility improvements

The big feature from IntelliJ Platform that has landed in this update is the new high-contrast theme. It is part of our long-term effort to make the IDE more accessible, and we plan to continue working in this direction.

You can enable the new theme under Preferences | Appearance and Behavior | Appearance. Or, press Ctrl-` and select Look and Feel | High Contrast.


In addition to that, PhpStorm now allows screen readers to read line numbers, VCS annotations, breakpoints, and other gutter icons. To enable screen reader support, please follow the instructions in our docs.

We are working on further improvements in the screen readers and support for screen magnifiers, and would appreciate your feedback very much!

Aliases References In Italic

A UX improvement to distinguish real class names and aliased ones:


Other platform updates worth noting

  • Fixed: GlobalMenuLinux – Unable to register window and AppMenu-service can’t register xid (IDEA-200273 +9)
  • Added: Ability to specify suite name when running protractor tests (WEB-24245 +9)
  • Fixed: Some JS intentions break code formatting when invoked (WEB-30290 +7)
  • Fixed: “underscored” and “strikeout” effects not rendering (IDEA-198539 +6)

See the full list of PHP related bug-fixes and improvements in our issue tracker and the complete release notes.

Download PhpStorm 2018.3 EAP build 183.3795.24 for your platform or click Update in your JetBrains Toolbox App and please do report any bugs and feature request to our Issue Tracker.

Your JetBrains PhpStorm Team
The Drive to Develop

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