
PhpStorm 2022.2.1 Release Candidate

PhpStorm 2022.2.1 Release Candidate is now available, and it’s the final build before the stable release.

This build includes fix for a possible freeze due to com.jetbrains.php.lang.psi.elements.impl.VariableImpl#VISITOR_RESULT_CACHE_LOCK [WI-67938], and a fix for another edge case of Xdebug issue [WI-68060] mentioned in the post-mortem part of the previous blog.

Other notable changes and bug fixes in this build include:

  • Added: Vite aliases in vite.config support [WEB-55332]
  • Added: Start Listening for PHP Debug Connections on the main toolbar in new UI [IDEA-295100]
  • Fixed: Suggesting wrong imports because of partial export field support in package.json [WEB-56387]
  • Non-strict object equality: ignore all classes that implement DateTimeInterface [WI-41951]
  • Fixed: Non-ASCII characters inspection not working properly for comments inside arrays [WI-67624]
  • Fixed: “Calling static trait member directly is deprecated” shouldn’t highlight the late static binding call [WI-64642]
  • Fixed: Accessing static trait members: quick-fix Replace with ‘self::’ access doesn’t make the inspection go [WI-64659]
  • Don’t suggest running Rector when there is no configuration file in project [WI-67425]
  • Rector: Use closest rector config when run rector from project tree via right mouse button click [WI-67806]

The full list of changes in PhpStorm 2022.2.1 is available in the release
. To learn more about the changes in the previous preview build, see this blog post.

You can download this preview here:

That’s all for today. Thanks for keeping up with the changes! We hope they improve your PhpStorm experience.

Your JetBrains PhpStorm team
The Drive to Develop

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