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JetBrains Platform

Plugin and extension development for JetBrains products.


Plugins Repository Now Integrates with the Plugin Verification Tool

As our plugin ecosystem grows, we want to give developers the same experience they have come to expect from our IDEs. Today we are happy to announce the integration of the Plugin Verifier tool for the Plugins Repository. This will allow you to check the binary compatibility between the IntelliJ IDEA‑based IDE builds and the IntelliJ Platform plugins as you upload them.

This tool is useful as it allows authors to check the plugins against a specified range of [since : until] builds for the platform, and not just against the current version of their editor. This process is needed as sometimes the IntelliJ API changes between releases. In turn, these changes might lead to binary incompatibilities between the plugin and the target platform, and so lead to NoClassDefFoundError, NoSuchMethodError, and similar exceptions at runtime.

With the recent update of the Plugins Repository, you can see the results of the plugin verification for each update of an IntelliJ Platform plugin which has been uploaded to the Plugins Repository.

The results of the verification are available in the Update Details View.
This is how it looks for one of the latest Scala plugin updates:

Scala plugin verification results

You can view the compatibility report and dive into the technical information about all the issues found.

In addition to this, you can schedule verification for a particular IDE build.

Please report all the bugs and feature requests to the Plugins Repository YouTrack Project.

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