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JetBrains Platform

Plugin and extension development for JetBrains products.


Cleaning up tags on GitHub

Since we started development on IDEA, every nightly build of each IntelliJ-based IDE was tagged in the intellij-community repository on GitHub. After 18 years of development and having 10 products, we now have more than 68,000 tags in the repository! This many tags causes performance issues with git, in particular, every git fetch is very slow.

To improve the experience of working with the intellij-community repository, both for us and for our contributors, we have removed these tags. We’re currently deciding on whether they are needed on GitHub and what our tagging strategy will be going forward.

If you need a specific tag that isn’t available in the intellij-community repo on GitHub (e.g. for an EAP, a release version or a different product) you can still find it in the git mirror on which will be keeping all of the tags. For convenience, a couple of scripts were added to the project to work with the mirror – one to fetch a single tag by name, and another to list all tags.

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