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IntelliJ Livestreams Marketplace News

Live Webinar: Busy Plugin Developers. Episode 2

Join our webinar on Monday, September 27, at 17:00 CEST / 15:00 UTC / 11:00 EST to learn about building plugins and publishing them on JetBrains Marketplace. In this new episode of the Busy Plugin Developers series, we’ll talk about the two important things any developer should do before uploading their plugin to Marketplace:

  • Prepare high-quality content for the plugin page. 
  • Test the plugin to make sure it doesn’t include any errors.

We will be covering:

In the first part of the session, we will share some tips on how to improve your Marketplace listing to attract more users. In the second part, Łukasz Wawrzyk from VirtusLab will give an introduction to ide-probe – a framework for testing plugins for IntelliJ-based IDEs. You will learn the following:  

  • How to make your plugin better by testing it with ide-probe.
  • How ide-probe helps overcome the drawbacks of using unit tests for testing plugins in IDEs.
  • How it works and what features it includes, such as endpoints, extensions, environment setup, configuration, assertions, debugging, CI, and utilities.

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Speaking to you:

Jakub Chrzanowski, session host

Former developer of third-party plugins who became a Developer Advocate responsible for the IntelliJ Platform SDK and Marketplace. Jakub tries to build useful stuff, but is known to suffer from severe cases of yak shaving.

Łukasz Wawrzyk

For the past four years Łukasz has been working on various tooling to support developers working with large mono repositories. He is the maintainer of ide-probe, a testing and benchmarking framework for IntelliJ-based IDEs.

Anna Maltceva

As a marketing manager, Anna helps plugin developers benefit from listing on JetBrains Marketplace. Her work also helps improve the Marketplace service itself, both for plugin vendors and end-users.

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