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JetBrains Platform

Plugin and extension development for JetBrains products.

Development Livestreams

Live Webinar: Building Extensions for Rider and ReSharper

Join our live webinar on Thursday, September 22, at 3:00 pm UTC / 17:00 CEST. Our speaker, Matthias Koch, a Developer Advocate for .NET, will join us for the Busy Plugin Developers series to talk about building .NET plugins and publishing them on JetBrains Marketplace.

The ReSharper platform provides a huge number of extension points that can be utilized in plugins. This allows you to add first-class support for your public/internal frameworks or start hacking on your next productivity idea. In this webinar, Matthias will cover:

  • ReSharper Platform architecture and what’s possible with the ReSharper and Rider SDK.
  • The process of creating a ReSharper Platform plugin.
  • How the RD protocol is used to communicate between the Rider frontend (IntelliJ IDEA) and backend (ReSharper).

Starting from creating a plugin solution, Matthias will implement a small feature that you can run and debug in a matter of seconds in both Rider and ReSharper.

Register to get a calendar invite and a reminder before the webinar begins:

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Matthias Koch

Matthias Koch

Matthias is a passionate C# developer who likes to talk about clean code, testing, and tooling in general. Much of his spare time over the last few years has been devoted to his own open source projects, including NUKE. He works at JetBrains as a developer advocate for .NET tools.

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