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Webinar Recording: Introducing the Polaris Plugin for IntelliJ Platform Code Search

The recording of the latest episode of the “Busy Plugin Developers” webinar featuring the Polaris plugin is now available on JetBrains TV.

Polaris is a semantic code search engine embedded in IntelliJ IDEA that understands the structure and relationships between different code elements, providing code snippets with relevant API usages.

Dmitriy Tseyler from JetBrains explores the key features of the Polaris plugin and demonstrates its capabilities in helping developers find code snippets and understand API usage.

Watch the recorded webinar on JetBrains TV to learn how Polaris enhances your development workflow with powerful semantic code search capabilities in IntelliJ IDEA.

Webinar Summary

After reviewing the webinar, we have compiled a concise Q&A summary:

Q: How can I start using Polaris?

A: To start with Polaris, install the plugin from the in-IDE Marketplace in IntelliJ IDEA, restart your IDE, and accept the Legal Acknowledgment. You can then utilize parameter suggestions by placing the caret in the parameter location. To find code examples, place the caret at a function or identifier, press Alt+Enter, and choose the “Show Examples” intention action or click the Search button in the top-right corner of the editor.

Q: How does Polaris work, and does it rely on AI?

A: Polaris indexes codebases, collects method usage data, and ranks informative code snippets for each API. It uses Naive Bayes classifiers to predict method or function call parameters based on the current code context. Polaris employs machine learning techniques to rank and suggest code examples, but does not generate code using AI. All code snippets come from actual implementations.

Q: What programming languages does Polaris support?

A: Polaris currently supports Java and Kotlin, with plans to expand to JavaScript and TypeScript in the future.

Q: Will Polaris become a paid service?

A: Polaris is currently available for free and will remain free for plugin development needs.

Discover Polaris

To stay connected with us and explore more about Polaris, you can reach us via email at You can also visit the Polaris issue tracker to report issues or leave feature requests.

For further information and details on how to get started with Polaris, refer to the documentation.

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