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The Python IDE for data science and web development

Early Access Program Releases

PyCharm 96.596 is available

Another week, another build — and this one is probably the last before the PyCharm 1.0 beta release. This time we’ve got quite a few goodies for you:

  • Official support for Python 2.7 (fixed many minor compatibility issues that were present in earlier builds);
  • Much better completion after dot when the type of the variable to the left of the dot is unknown;
  • Possibility to add and remove paths when configuring a Python interpeter (which allows you to specify paths to external libraries installed outside of site-packages);
  • Possibility to suppress inspection reports;
  • Support for the LESS dialect of CSS;
  • Support for code formatting in Django templates.

As usual, more fixes are listed in the release notes – including a nasty performance regression that slowed down the code analysis in Django projects quite lot. You can download PyCharm from the EAP page.

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