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The Python IDE for data science and web development


PyCharm hits Beta with a 50% discount for 1.0

With over 10 EAP builds behind and a great deal of positive and useful feedback from early adopters we are ready to announce the Beta for JetBrains PyCharm — a breakthrough IDE for Python & Django.

This leaves only a small step to the 1.0 release which is due out this Fall. During the homestretch we are going to concentrate on product stability and performance.

We’ve also revealed the pricing for PyCharm on the official web site. In addition, during the Beta period everyone can now get a 50% discount coupon for PyCharm by submitting a request to JetBrains. Once version 1.0 is out the coupons can be used to purchase the IDE at half-price.

Also, we’ve published a first part of PyCharm quick start guide. Stay tuned for more guides and demos soon.

Download PyCharm Beta and make sure you request the discount to save on PyCharm 1.0!

-JetBrains PyCharm Team
“Develop with Pleasure!”

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