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The Python IDE for data science and web development

Early Access Program Releases

PyCharm build 96.1142 is available

As PyCharm gets ever closer to the final release, we’ve decided to release a new EAP build in order to test the impact of our latest round of performance improvements. If you’re experiencing high CPU usage problems with beta 2, please give the new build a try and let us know if it helps or not.

And by the way, the Linux and Mac builds now enable the CPU snapshot capturing functionality by default. If you encounter a performance problem, you can record a trace of the CPU activity by pressing the “Capture CPU Snapshot” button on the toolbar, performing the CPU consuming activity and pressing the button again. After that, a snapshot file gets created, which you can then attach to an issue in the PyCharm issue tracker.

Of course, the new build also includes a bunch of bugfixes and minor improvements, which are listed in the release notes. You can download PyCharm from the EAP page.

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