Meet PyCharm 3.0 EAP
After several months since we published PyCharm 2.7 release and a week after the last PyCharm 2.7.3 update, we are so eager to announce the beginning of PyCharm 3.0 Early Access Program. The first 3.0 EAP build, 130.1058, is already available for download.
We are so happy to deliver this fresh build of our Python IDE with a ton of new functionality and features to be considered and tested! The new PyCharm 3.0 version is focused on providing even more intelligence for third-party libraries and is planned for release in autumn. The first PyCharm 3.0 EAP build contains many features planned for the final 3.0 release – though there’s a few more things planned.
Here’s what’s new and noteworthy in this build:
- web2py web framework is now supported:
Just a couple of clicks and PyCharm will do the rest for you:
- SQLAlchemy support: Yes, we’ve already introduced SQLAlchemy diagrams support in PyCharm 2.7, but in this build SQLAlchemy support is improved with code insight and other bells and whistles.
- New “Invert boolean” and “Replace duplicates in Extract Method” refactorings are now available:
- A couple of new intentions:
- A lot of new hidden, but so essential code inspections with suggestions and even smarter code insight for Python.
Visit our PyCharm 3.0 Roadmap page for more information. Download first PyCharm 3.0 EAP build for your platform from PyCharm EAP page and please report any bugs and feature request to our Issue Tracker. Note that no patch-based update is available for this build.
Develop with pleasure!
-PyCharm Team