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The Python IDE for data science and web development

Early Access Program Releases

Announcing The PyCharm 4.5 EAP Opening

Today is an exciting day for JetBrains PyCharm team! And for two reasons…

First of all, PyCon 2015 in Montréal has just started! We are looking forward to this great event and will be at JetBrains booth in Expo hall, listening to all the feedback and answering all the questions that you have!

The second, but not less exciting, is that the first PyCharm 4.5 public preview build 141.583 is finally available for download! Head on over to the download section of the PyCharm Early Access Preview (EAP) page where you can get it for your platform right now.

Note: The PyCharm 4.5 EAP build is not in the final product release stage and might contain some bugs, so it’s supposed to be installed along with your current PyCharm installation for evaluation and checking out new features. No patch update for this EAP build will be available from within the IDE.

The PyCharm 4.5 preview build introduces a lot of new features, bug fixes and improvements, including a number of recently added PyCharm’s unique features as well as some features and improvements from the Web and IntelliJ platform sides.

The most notable PyCharm’s unique features in this preview build are:

  • The matplotlib interactive mode is now supported in both PyCharm’s and the debugger’s consoles.
  • The debugger is improved with the new “Ignore library files” option.
  • Inline debugger for Python: it shows variable values right in the editor, next to their usages.
  • Navigation from debugger’s variables view to code where an object or its type are defined.
  • Initial support for Python 3.5 with support of PEP 465: a dedicated infix operator for matrix multiplication. We’ll continue implementing support for Python 3.5 with next EAP builds as soon as PEP 484: Type Hints and PEP 448: Additional unpacking generalizations are finalized.
  • Various code insight improvements: structural types inferring based on the usage of attributes and nominal types inferring from structural types, better Numpy-specific coding assistance.
  • Multiple per-project Vagrant configurations are now supported.
  • The new “Bulk move” refactoring dialog: helps you perform a move refactoring on a group of code snippets with all dependencies resolved.
  • The new Scratch Files feature: temporary virtual files which support running and debugging.

As usual, PyCharm 4.5 will have all features of the recently released WebStorm 10 (read more about it in the WebStorm blog). Here is just a short summary of what’s new available in the PyCharm 4.5 preview build 141.583 from the Web side:

  • Improved JavaScript support: completely reworked support for JavaScript and enhancements in ECMAScript 6 support.
  • TypeScript 1.4 support and built-in compiler: Instantly provides a compiled JavaScript file and highlights any compilation errors in the editor.
  • Application dependency diagrams: this new feature in spy-js allows you to visualize and explore your app structure based on the runtime data.
  • spy-js support for source maps: enjoy spy-js features for any language compiled to JavaScript.
  • V8 profiling for Node.js apps: capture and analyze V8 CPU profiles and heap snapshots to eliminate performance bottlenecks and fight memory issues.
  • Improved Grunt integration.
  • Project-wide Dart code analysis.

Some of the Webstorm features are not bundled with PyCharm by default but available for installation from JetBrains plugin repository.

Apart from additional features and improvements from the Web side, PyCharm 4.5 gets improvements from the recently released IntelliJ IDEA 14.1. The most noteworthy changes are:

  • Distraction-free mode (a view with no toolbars, no tool windows, no editor tabs – just code on your screen. To switch to this mode, click View | Enter Distraction Free Mode)
  • HiDPI support for Windows or Linux.
  • Git and Mercurial log viewers have been improved.
  • Database tools offer multiple consoles per data source, now with a schema switcher, local history, and easier access.
  • The HTML editor has been extended with a cool new option for simultaneously editing both opening and closing HTML tags.

Download PyCharm 4.5 preview build 141.583 for your platform right from the project EAP page and please report any bugs and feature request to our Issue Tracker.

The PyCharm 4.5 preview build is available in two editions – free/open source PyCharm Community Edition and full-fledged PyCharm Professional Edition. While both of them are available for download and use at no charge, PyCharm Professional Edition has a 30-day evaluation period, which means PyCharm 4.5 Professional Edition EAP build 141.583 comes with a 30-day time-limited license as well.

Note: Remember to install .zip & .tar.gz versions into a completely empty folder. Do not just unpack over previous version!

Develop with pleasure!
-JetBrains PyCharm Team

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