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Python Developers Survey 2016: Findings

Recently we conducted a survey among more than 1,000 Python developers to identify the latest trends and gain insight into how the Python development world looks today.
We’re excited to share some of these results with you.


It turns out Python is becoming the language of choice for more and more developers. At the same time time Python 3 is gaining popularity and is expected to overtake Python 2 very soon. Another interesting finding is that a huge part of Python developers appear to be engaged in scientific development and data analysis, which correlates with results from other independent research showing that the number of scientific Python developers is growing steadily and is projected to catch up with web development in the foreseeable future. Discover many more interesting findings from the Python world in our detailed report.

As usual we’re anxious to hear your feedback and discuss these survey findings in the comments to this blog post and on twitter.
Your PyCharm Team
The Drive to Develop

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